Throughfare traffic queing on Townsend Ave near Birchwood (looking westbound)

The combined impact of increased traffic flows and overflow parking will lead to unsafe conditions for children and pedestrians within the community, specifically Glenwood, Birchwood and Fairwood.  

Overflow parking on Glenwood Ave near Plains Rd. E.  (looking northbound)

Limited parking spaces at 100 Plains Rd. E. will generate overflow parking on Glenwood and Birchwood, which further reduces traffic capacity by a significant degree.

Site Area for 100 Plains Rd. E.

Bordering Birchwood Ave, Plains Rd. E, and Glenwood Ave.  An estimate of nearly 600 people would live in this area, with up to 316 vehicles.

View from Birchwood Ave and Plains Rd. E.

View from Birchwood Ave

View from Glenwood Ave